Realvnc Driver

In our last article, we talked about basics of running automation Test on Docker. Now, this article is more about debugging the Test running on the containers. It’s helpful when you want to see what is happening inside the docker container.In the event you wish to visually see what the browser is doing you will want to run the debug variant of the node or standalone images. A VNC server will run on particular port inside the container with Selenium WebDriver.

Download RealVNC viewer:

The Mirror Video Driver is a driver that UltraVNC (for instance) can use to be quickly and efficiently notified with screen changes. Using it on an UltraVNC server results in a excellent accuracy. The video driver also makes a direct link between the video driver frammebuffer memory and UltraWinVNC server. RealVNC is a commercial company that sell VNC license for the enterprise market. However, the company allow home user to setup VNC server for personal use. The limitation is that you are only allow 5 connection. User must register an ID with the company.

You can download the real-vnc.and Install as per your operating system.

Pull Selenium Chrome-Debug Image:

Step:1 For the Debugging we should require the Docker Selenium WebDriver Image with VNC server.So First Step is to download the Docker Image with Debugging.

Docker pull will start downloading the image if it’s not already downloaded.

Step 2: After downloading the proper debugging image, we need to start the docker container for the image:

Step 3: After running the Docker container we should verify the Container Process and Port Details.

You can acquire the port by looking at the container details Like from the Image above we can see theVNC server is listening on the Port No: 32771

Start VNC and Create VNC:

Step 1: Open real VNC viewer downloaded in the previous Steps.

Step 2: From File Menu select: Create New Connection

Step 3: Enter Value of VNC Server as localhost:Step 4: Now You will be able to see the VNC server created and Open the Connection.

Step 5: When you are prompted for the password it is secret

Now Our Selenium WebDriver container is Running and VNC server is Running. We can now run our Test and we will be able to see the Browser driving the Test cases on VNC server.

Create WebDriver Test and Run Test:

Create a simple Java test which is opening the in the container and Post Number should be edited from the container details.

Running Our Test on the correct Port number will Open the Google in our Container and We can see the Browser running in our VNC Server.

Benefits of using VNC and Debug:

Using the VNC server are helpful in debugging and seeing what is happening in the Test while running inside the container. There are many Selenium WebDriver Images providing the test to be recorded as video.

Hello guys, In this tutorial we will see how to access raspberry pi 4 remotely via VNC viewer. We will also see how to connect raspberry pi with direct connection and cloud connection. So that you can access it whenever and wherever you want. So lets get started.

For this you will need,

Update the VNC server and VNC viewer
Realvnc Driver

First we need to check whether it is a latest version or not.

By following command we can install latest version of realVNC viewer and realVNC server.

we will enable VNC in interfaces.

Go to preferences –> raspberry pi configuration –> interfaces and enable VNC.

Find Raspberry Pi IP address:

Type this command to find the IP address of raspberry pi.

Why setting static IP address for Raspberry Pi?

Now we will assign static IP address for raspberry pi. Because whenever you turn ON/OFF router. There is chance it will assign different IP address for raspberry pi. And you have to find raspberry pi IP address again with the same procedure we have done yet. OR you can find it on your router admin page.

That’s the reason we are assigning static IP address. So that we don’t have to find IP address every time when we turn ON raspberry pi.

How to set static IP address for Raspberry Pi?

Open your browser and type IP address of your of router. That is by default it may be different depends on your router company. You will see login page of your router. If you haven’t changed the username and password. It must be admin and admin.

After login go to DHCP client list. Find raspberry pi. Copy MAC address.

Deploying and Licensing VNC Connect ... - RealVNC Help Center

Go to address reservation. Click add new. Paste the MAC address of raspberry pi and assign IP address. And enable the status. Click save.

Now reboot it.

Login again to see IP address is changed or not. Yes, we can see it is changed.

VNC viewer:

Download the VNC viewer to your computer. Install it. Now we don’t need display, keyboard, mouse. We can access raspberry pi 4 with VNC graphically.

Method 1: Direct Connection (On same network)

Open the VNC viewer. Enter IP address of the raspberry pi. It will ask username and password. Username by default is “pi” and password is “raspberry”. Enter the user and password.

You can see raspberry pi display on your computer.

You can change this password from here.

Similarly you can download the VNC viewer app for android. And enter the IP address of raspberry pi

and username and password.

This method is good if you are planning to access it on local network. But you can’t access the raspberry pi with other network. You can use second method cloud connection. You can access raspberry pi graphically anywhere from the world.

Method 2: Cloud Connection (access anywhere from the world)

For cloud connection, you will need to sign up on RealVNC. Enter your email ID and fill the details.

Step 1:

Realvnc Disable Clipboard

go to raspberry pi. And click on VNC icon then click on menu and licensing.

Enter your same mail id and password which we used to signup for realvnc.

Step 2:

go to your computer. Open VNC viewer. Click on sign in button. Enter email ID and password. It will ask username and password for raspberry pi. It will ask you to verify its you in your email box.

Now you see you are connected to raspberry pi via cloud.

Installing And Removing - RealVNC®

Similarly, you can do this for mobile app.

Deploying And Licensing VNC Connect Using Windows MSIs ...

Till then keep learning keep making.